
Trinket Making 🔗

Quick one here 🏎️ i haven’t been documenting anything recently

I’ve somehow found a new hobby of sewing and making random clothing items

As a result I’ve updated my rave hat with some glitter on the Snoiler Room patch since it kept getting lost in the dark and now I’m making an IRL version of my 3.7 model’s jacket. More simple from a details perspective but still something that will be pretty “busy” once it’s completely done.

***Should mention the weird looking smudges on there are from the glue that i more/less

Here is the Snoiler Rooom patch that I yassified

Got glitter everywhere for this one

Finally a fun mini patch that I just really like :))))

More cool clubs and a great sense of scale 🔗

A cool visit to some cool clubs places :)

A Love of Floats 🔗

Main Ingredients:

  • Milk - I used almond

  • Vanilla Ice Cream

  • Chocolate syrup

  • Graham Crackers


  • Cinnamon to sprinkle on top when done

Just mash mash it all

Visiting New Vrclubs 🔗

I wonder if I'm the only one who likes the chillout hangrout after party as much as the actual party

A New Beginning 🔗

For years I have been using the same alias but today I officially start making the change to a new approach to my net-ventures. I’ll still keep the “““old””” alias around because it’s a good place to put “boring” dev things that are kinda turbo nerd.

Also this time around I finally have a proper excuse to stream stuff that I haven’t been able to on the other name. Stream link is here:

🔗 https://www.twitch.tv/tempersama

Quick Recap for Ocotober 🔗

Stuff I've been doig in VR :p

Pov Bodyboard Shots 🔗

Snagged some nice POV shots while bodyboarding the other day :3

A Fun Night at <Redacted>VR 🔗

Clubbing in VR is probably my new favorite thing to do right now since venues are always really cool, people are super friendly, music is fun, and the ❇️ vibes ❇️ are just immaculate 👌.

> 🙈 BTW the group isn’t called <Redacted>VR just not sure how they would feel about posting the name here

If you want the full resolution pic from the group pic it’s at /img/shelter-oct-08-full.png

Hemlo 🔗

Hiya! If you’re wondering what this is then have no fear because neither do I! I just post random c00l stuff on this site that I think is kinda fun 😄

If you’re into more developer stuff then check out my other site shockrah.xyz or even better, my /dev feed 😉.